Ideas and Content
In what ways does your writing demonstrate appropriate ideas and content? Provide examples.
In what ways could you improve your writing to better express your ideas and enhance content? Be specific.
I think in both essays the information that I needed was there but I was more desriptive in the Alchemist essay. In both essays I discussed each of the characters behaivors. In the Alchemist I talked about Santiago's character traits; loyalty, love, and bravery and gave examples of each. In Julius Caesar I also discussed Brutus's problems; trust, friendship, and patriotism with examples. In the Alchemist I could have done better at explaining my examples and quotes. There were not enough examples for two of my topics; Love, and Bravery I should have added at least one more to each. I should have explained the quote about love in more detail. I also could have clarifed my ideas and explained the examples in more detail, and showed why Brutus did not trust Caesar.
In what ways does your writing demonstrate appropriate organization? Provide examples.In what ways can you improve your writing to demonstrate superior organization? Be specific.
In both essays I had the basic structure of the essay which is, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. In each I had a thsis statement that made it clear what i was discussing, for the alchemist I used "Santiago does this with three character traits: loyalty, love, and bravery." The paragraphs discussed these topics in that order. In the JC essay the sequnce I wrote the body paragraphs in, was not how I stated in the introduction i should have discussed Brutus's love for Rome before discussing his distrust for Caesar. My ideas were not .always connected to eachother clearly. Like how I talked about Brutus's ancestors then I jumped to ho brutus has no reson to kill Caersar. So next time i'll try to organize my ideas.
Personal Growth
Do you note any improvement between your Alchemist essay and your Julius Caesaressay? Why or why not?
I think that I did better on the AlProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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emits essay because we weren't given time limit as we had with the Caesar essay. It was better because it was more organized and clear to follow. We were able to do drafts and make changes and improvements, it helps when i get feedback to help me do better. Yet I did better in Julius Caeser at including and explaining my quotes. I did better on the sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, and less mistakes in the Alchemist I had more time to do it.