Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Great Journey

‘’They come in search of new thing, but they leave with the same things.’’(Coehlo 8) In the Alchemist, Santiago, the main character, goes on a journey to fulfil his destiny. He has a vision of treasure buried at the pyramids. He meets a priest, Melchizedek, and the priest tells him to go on a quest for his treasure. Santiago listens to the advice, and he goes off on his journey. During his journey, he finds love and does things he never dreamed of doing. On the journey, Santiago meets many people and fulfils his destiny. Santiago does this with three character traits: loyalty, love, and bravery.
Santiago shows his loyalty in many ways. In the book, Santiago is very loyal to the crystal merchant. Santiago shows his loyalty by working for the crystal merchant for a month. “I’d like to build a display case for the crystal,” Santiago tells the crystal merchant. Santiago builds the showcase for the crystal merchant to show that he is loyal to the merchant, and he respects him as a friend and a boss. On his journey, Santiago is also loyal to Fatima. Fatima is a woman of the desert that he falls in love with. He is loyal to her because he always thinks about her and keeps trying to go back to her throughout most of his journey. Santiago is loyal to the alchemist. The alchemist is Santiago’s mentor. Santiago is loyal to the Alchemist by following him and completing the tests the Alchemist gives him. Santiago is very loyal and shows it many times over and over.

’’Love is the falcon’s flight over the sands’’
This quote is talking about how Santiago is in love with Fatima and he asked the desert for help. This is when he is trying to go to the Pyramids. I think in his journey he relies a lot on the alchemist, and asking Fatima for help. He loves her and shows it by telling her she will come back for her. Fatima loves him in the same way but she must stay in the desert as a woman of the desert.
Santiago shows bravery when he goes to the men in the desert and tells them that something is coming; they told him if nothing is happening his life will end. Santiago could have run away and left his destiny but he followed the alchemist words and showed bravery and listened. When the storm finally came, a man appeared on a white horse and wiped out a scimitar he got to keep his life and he continued onto his destiny.
Santiago came from Spain to Africa as a young shepherd to fulfil his destiny. He is loyal, brave, and loving. When he was working for the crystal merchant he did everything and he respected him as a friend and as his boss. He stood up to the alchemist when the storm came did his task and showed bravery. Santiago did not want to leave Fatima when they were in the desert, he wanted to stay with her and love her. If you are loyal and brave, good things will happen to you because you don’t turn your back, you face your fears and you take responsibility. Like Santiago, people who are brave pass the tests of life and can fulfil their destiny.

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